Thursday, May 21, 2015

Movie & Pizza Night Glitch!

The WVBC Movie & Pizza Night started out Great.....

Movie Night drew it's sell out crowd for a fun time last Saturday night. All went smoothly with the pizza and everyone thoroughly enjoyed Don "Preacher" Feeney's pre-show presentation. Then came the movie! 

The Color of Money opens with soft voices so we attempted to increase the volume to overcome the mumbling and whispering. To our disappointment, the Canal Rec Center sound system failed and though we did get sound to return, it was not loud enough for anyone to hear. After a few uncomfortable minutes of being polite, people began to bleed out of the room until we discovered about 20 loyal supporters remained in the room. 


We left our event with a feeling of great high for the success of interest, good food, good company and of course Preacher's great presentation but a feeling of total disappointment with the end result.

The following Monday the VBC BOD gathered for their monthly meeting and we all agreed that YOU deserve more! 

The success of our event had brought a nice donation from the WVBC to the "EXPO" fund so we unanimously decided to take the money raised and re-run the entire event, food and all, free of charge to all registrants! We are working towards a re-run in June and as soon as we receive confirmation for our permit we will notify all attendees. Oh and BTW, at a different rec center :-)

More to come on the re-run......

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