Monday, July 13, 2015

Room for Three More Players in WVBC Leagues to Begin on Thursday July 16th

Ok so it's taken some time but we finally will begin the new WVBC Leagues on Thursday at 9am. The slow start has caused a few people to have to drop out for one reason or another. So we have room for three more players. You do have to be able to finish an 8 ball game in a half hour or less in order to finish the required games in the allotted time frame. If you are interested, email me ASAP so you can start this week and participate in the initial round robin.

One of the complaints I hear about leagues is that the playing field is not always very even. It's never fun for a player to either always be facing someone who will win 4 out of 5 games nor is it fun for the winner. We are trying to overcome that by seeding our initial players by doing a round robin competition during the first two weeks of play. It won't be perfect but we will definitely get a feel for where each player stands within the group based on their initial performance.

Here's how it's going to work. Week one we will play short rack 8 ball with each person playing each other once. The games will be scored based on how many balls you make. Whether you win the game or not will not matter as much as how many balls you make in each game. Week two, we will do a switch. Half from each location will move to the other rec. center. This will not allow each player to play every other player in two weeks time even with a short rack, but it will give us a good indication of where each falls on the ladder. After results are in, the top half scores will play each other for the remainder of the session while the other half will play together each at the two different locations. 

Once the first session is complete at the end of August, we will adjust the ladder as necessary to keep the playing field as level as possible.

I look forward to seeing our leagues at play as we attempt to bring you what you asked for!

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