Monday, August 24, 2015

Do You have Embarqmail Or Centruylink Email Addresses?

I wanted to let those of you with Embarqmail and Centurylink email addresses that the filters those two providers use are not allowing me to send the WVBC email updates that have links in them to you. Instead, they bounce back to me as spam. If you are one of those on our contact kist, please know that we haven't forgotten about you. If you want to receive our emails you will have to contact your provider to straighten it out OR bookmark our blog and check in with us once in a while to see what's new.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience this causes.

Friday, August 21, 2015


The Monthly VBC Meeting & Fun Tournament event will be held on Friday, August, 28th.

Schedule of events:
3:00pm - First Tournament
5:00pm - VBC Meeting 
5:45pm - Dinner
6:30pm - 2nd Tournament


  • Make reservations for Italian Dinner Night 
  • Bring your Clothing Donations for Deb Clifford's Clothing sale

Cost for dinner and one tournament is $7pp. Make your reservation to play and join us for dinner by calling Wendy Lord at 352-250-5295 or emailing her at

When I first got involved with Billiard in the Villages, this was one of my favorite events. Join us and have some fun!

"Intro to Women's Billiards" August 1st - Report

On August 1st we held the 2nd of our quarterly "Intro to Women's Billiards" presentations at Colony Cottage to a group of 30+ women that I had never seen before. WOW it's amazing to me how many women are so interested in learning out our sport! 
The Villages media was there to take photos and record part of the presentation which they included on the Villages TV station a few day later. Since that day, I have seen many of them in my Tuesday class and know that several have signed up for LLLC beginner classes which will begin in September.

Our mission to get more women to the tables is working and the proof is in the pudding' as they say. Sharon Lomanno's beginner group on Saturday is at the bursting point. As a result, those women who have been playing there and who are now playing games are ready to begin playing in beginner leagues and will have that opportunity come September. The WVBC is adding a new beginner league on Saturdays at 9am at Bradenton for any women who are beginners but have begun to play the game. Leagues are not just for good players. As long as your skill level is in the same range as other members in the league, everyone can have fun and win games no matter where your skill set falls in the overall billiards population. It is the goal of the WVBC to seed players so that each league location has a fair and balanced playing field whenever possible.

It has been a pleasure to see the fruit of our efforts succeed in helping more women enjoy our sport. Thanks to all who are helping to make this happen!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


VBC Member & Guest
Italian Dinner Night 
Saturday, September 26th 
6:00 - 8:00pm
Hibiscus Recreation Center
Colony Cottage
$12pp Donation - Dinner & Dessert (BYOB)
Seating is limited 
Make your reservations NOW! 
Join us for an evening of Italian Flair with Good Friends, Good Mood, Good Food, Good Music!
Sharon Lomanno is providing one of her famous Italian Dinners while Joe Perico will entertain and provide easy listening dinner music from the likes of Sinatra & Dean.
  •  Using the "Contact Us" page on this blog
  • At the VBC Meeting Friday August 28th
  • By finding Annemarie Prioriello, Gale Bellew, Joanne Hawks, Sharon Lomanno, Or Wendy Lord at the tables 
Make payment:
  • At the Next VBC monthly meeting, Friday,  August 28th. 
  • By finding Annemarie Prioriello, Gale Bellew, Joanne Hawks, Sharon Lomanno, Or Wendy Lord at the tables 
  • OR send a check made out to the VBC and send to: Gale Bellew, 1213 Maria Ct, Lady Lake, Fl. 32159

Don't miss out on another great event presented by the WVBC! 


Deb Clifford has decided to host a Clothing Sale to benefit the VBC Expo fund. She is asking for men's or women's clothing, Shoes, accessories, and Jewelry especially earrings. She asks:
Hi Everyone
I have decided to try a fund raiser that worked great back home. Everyone man or woman has something in their closet they don't wear. THEY SAY IF YOU Have not worn it in over a year you will never wear it......
I am going to have a sale in the fall to help raise money for the expo. I would like to start collecting today so I can iron, put by size and Mark so I can be prepared for the sale. I want any nice items of clothing, shoes, jewelry, hats that you don't wear. Please no stains, rips or tears. People that can't afford store prices will love this sale. I can collect anytime. You may see me at billiards and I can put it in my car, I can come to you, or you can drop at my home....1205 Dustin dr. Near silverlake. 
Any left over items we don't sell I will donate to The Women's shelter....
Thank You

Sale date has not been decided upon yet. She will decide as she accumulates enough stuff to sell but it will be sometime this fall. We will announce it in advance so all can take advantage of the great bargains! 

Remember, one man's trash is another man's treasure. If you own it you probably liked it once and just because you don't anymore doesn't mean someone else won't like it.

ALL unsold items will go to local shelters.


Ginger Eng runs a league on Tuesday mornings at Coconut Cove at 9am. She is looking for people to help fill her roster. The format is 4 games of 8 ball and 2 of 9 ball all singles play. If you are an intermediate or advanced player interested in joining her league click here to contact her ASAP

WVBC Fall League Updates

The WVBC began two new leagues on Thursdays at 9am at Canal and Odell  this summer. We are approaching the end of session and it has gone well. We've worked out some kinks in scoring and reporting so now have to get up to par on subs. 
As of this writing I am waiting to hear from one member to know if my fall roster is full or not. If not, I will be seeking one more intermediate to advanced player. IF you are interested be in touch.

Additionally, the New Beginner league at Bradenton, was originally planned for Thursdays at 9am but in an effort to satisfy the demand of so many women playing at Big Cypress on Saturday mornings we have moved it to Saturdays, still at Bradenton. I am still looking for interested women to join. If you are a beginner and have reached a point where you are playing games, this league is for you. ALL players in this group are lower skill level so no need to worry about not being able to play well. This league is about getting some practice play in to learn more about the game in a friendly environment. Some will play better than others but that's the norm in most leagues.

 Fall session at Odell & Canal run from Thursday September 10th - Thursday November 19th.

The Beginner group at Bradenton will run Saturdays from September 12th - November 21st,

 If you are interested in joining, being wait listed  or subbing in any of our leagues, please be in touch ASAP.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


I have been getting lots of kickbacks on the emails I send out lately. 

If you or a friend are not getting our email updates it may be because your email provider thinks our info is SPAM. 

You must add our email address to your contacts list you want to receive our mail information & updates.

WVBC Women Billiards in the News & to be featured on Channel 2 Villages News!

The Daily Sun ran a great article this morning substantiating what the VBC has been experiencing with the increase of women participating in our sport. We are not alone in our growth. As women retire with more fitness than in any previous time in our history, they look to try various sports that they never had a chance to try before. The Villages with it's broad opportunities to learn and play new sports fosters that trend.

It so happened that while prepping for our "Intro" program held on Saturday August 1st, I sent a press release to the paper so that they might publicize it for us. I received a call from Matt Cote, Sports writer of the Daily Sun asking for an interview. He told me the paper was planning a feature article on the growth of women's sports. Not only did Matt interview VBC Phil DeAngelo and the WVBC but videographer Daniel and a photographer came to our "Intro" event and filmed our presentation. Additionally cameraman Daniel from the Villages Channel 2 TV came to take some video of our beginner's group on Tuesday morning.

So what does that mean? 

See us on CHANNEL 2 NEWS 
6pm Wednesday - Thursday 6pm

I'm told anyone using Comcast will be able to see what they put together beginning Wednesday evening at 6pm and that it will run in a cycle every half hour or so through Thursday at 6pm! 


WOHOOO! Women in Billiards, YOU ROCK!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


As the year progresses you will hear more and more information about the Annual Billiards Expo Event that the VBC puts on every year. This year it is scheduled for January 28th - 31st.

In an effort to help fill the coffers for that event the WVBC will be selling goodies at various Billiards Events between now and the expo. 

The first event will be the BCO Champions event to be held at La Hacienda on Friday evening August 14th at 4pm & Saturday the 15th at 9am.

This is where you come in!

I am looking for donations of home made brownies or bars, cookies or cupcakes for dessert (something easy to serve) on Friday night as well as breakfast goodies like muffins, sweet bread, or coffee cake for Saturday morning. 

If this is something you would consider doing for us to help with our fundraising for the EXPO please contact me.

The Shooter Sisters have committed to baking for  the Al Parker Tournament to be held on Thursday August 20th is covered.  THANKS SHOOTER SISTERS! We appreciate it!


September 26th 
6:00 - 8:00pm
Hibiscus Recreation Center

A VBC "Member & Guest Only" Event

"Capocuoco Straordinario" Sharon Lomanno famous for her pasta dinners will be creating and donating the food and her services to help us raise funds of the Annual VBC Billiards Expo!

Join us for an evening of Italian Flair with Good Friends, Good Mood, Good Food & Good Music.

The sounds of Sinatra and other easy listening classics will be provided by Joe Perico.
$12pp Donation for Dinner & Dessert (BYOB)

Seating is limited 

Email us NOW to reserve your spots! 

Make payment to WVBC Team Members Annemarie Prioriello, Gale Bellew, Joanne Hawks, Sharon Lomanno, or Wendy Lord at the tables.

OR mail a check made out to VBC to: 
Gale Bellew, 1213 Maria Ct, Lady Lake, FL 32159

Don't miss another Fabulous event presented by the WVBC!


The WVBC is doing a terrific job with all efforts to bring more women to the tables and as a result we are creating a monster!

Email NOW to Sign Up!
This league is for beginner players who are currently able to play 8 ball 
Fall schedule will begin Thursday September 10th at 9am and runs through Thursday November 19th

Jill Bulmash & Joanne Carroll have agreed to be the new beginner league leaders.  
VBC Members will have priority for available slots 
(total 12).
Central Location TBD  
We will also need subs if you can not commit to the full session but would like to participate.

Sharon Lomano regularly sees an average of 20 women who have roughly been playing pool since the first of the year at her Big Cypress Saturday morning event. These newbies are so eager and enjoying the game so much they are anxious to become involved in organized play. 

As a result, the WVBC will be adding another level of play to the singles 8 ball "Ladder Leagues" that began with a summer session. As long as we have women who are interested in participating in leagues and providing we can find one or two willing to be responsible for handing out and collecting score sheets for the session, we will continue to add new leagues.

Interest in new leagues has far surpassed any expectation we ever had when we first began organizing for a summer session. I originally expected if we could get 6 intermediate/advanced players and 6 advanced beginner level players for a summer session we'd be lucky. In the end we spurred enough interest to have full rosters for singles play at two rec centers! As a result beginning with the fall session, priority will be given to VBC members to fill the rosters.  
Our WVBC leagues have no "fees per session" which many leagues require. No one in the WVBC or VBC is paid to bring you and manage these activities. We do it for the love of the sport and appreciate that by being a VBC member you in turn are helping to support our club activities with your annual membership.

Great Turnout for Intro to Women's Billiards August 1st at Colony Cottage!

The WVBC has been on it's mission to bring more women to the game of Billiards by hosting a quarterly "Intro to Women's Billiards" presentation. Our presentation includes information about the sport and available facilities in The Villages, where they can get lessons, where they can play and why they should give it a try.

Last Saturday 31 women came to find out more information about the sport. What a treat to see so many new faces all eager to hear more. Some had never played though some had been exposed to the game by friends, neighbors or spouses and a few had prior lessons but every resident who attended wished to remain on our contact list to be kept informed about ongoing activities and news within the billiards community. Hoorah! We love to see so many women interested in learning to play the game we are so passionate about!

We welcome you all to the fold and in fact I received a number of emails and calls to say they would be coming to my Tuesday class. As a result I had a bunch of new ladies who came and did a terrific job as we began to work on the mechanics of stroking the ball. A good time was had by all and they were looking forward to next week's session.

I hope to see them continue with their enthusiasm and that our efforts help to launch them into a sport that they will enjoy as much as we do!