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This league is for beginner players who are currently able to play 8 ball
Fall schedule will begin Thursday September 10th at 9am and runs through Thursday November 19th
Jill Bulmash & Joanne Carroll have agreed to be the new beginner league leaders.
VBC Members will have priority for available slots
(total 12).
(total 12).
Central Location TBD
We will also need subs if you can not commit to the full session but would like to participate.
Sharon Lomano regularly sees an average of 20 women who have roughly been playing pool since the first of the year at her Big Cypress Saturday morning event. These newbies are so eager and enjoying the game so much they are anxious to become involved in organized play. As a result, the WVBC will be adding another level of play to the singles 8 ball "Ladder Leagues" that began with a summer session. As long as we have women who are interested in participating in leagues and providing we can find one or two willing to be responsible for handing out and collecting score sheets for the session, we will continue to add new leagues.
Our WVBC leagues have no "fees per session" which many leagues require. No one in the WVBC or VBC is paid to bring you and manage these activities. We do it for the love of the sport and appreciate that by being a VBC member you in turn are helping to support our club activities with your annual membership.
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