Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Don't Miss Out!
The WVBC First Quarter Calendar has been posted with a variety of social and Learning opportunities.

Check out "Save The Date" for a list of upcoming activities!

Beginner & Advanced Beginner Clinics Schedule at Chula Vista

Are you a beginner or advanced beginner player looking for helps with various parts of your game?

Gale will be teaching a series of FREE Beginner & Advanced Beginner clinics the third Tuesday of February through May.

February: 23rd  - Tues. – 10am – 12pm - Chula Vista
                                Breaking Clinic for beginners and Adv. 
                                beginners - Learn how to scatter the balls by 
                                learning a few basic principles.   

March 22nd -       Tues. – 10am – 12pm - Chula Vista
                                 Beg. & Adv. Beginner Tangent line Clinic - 
                                 Do you know where your cue  ball is 
                                 going after a hit? 

April 19th -         Tues. – 10am – 12pm - Chula Vista
                                Beginner & Adv. Beginner Speed Control Clinic.           
                                Speed Kills! Learn to develop a softer touch to  
                                better control your game and ball placement.

May 24th -        Tues. – 10am – 12pm - Chula Vista
                                Beginner & Adv. Beginner Strategies & 
                                Defensive Play Clinic - You don’t always have to 
                                sink a ball! Learn to think about your defensive 

For more information email me at


A group of very enthusiastic ladies who have been playing billiards for less than a year have started up a new open practice group for beginners and advanced beginners under the leadership of Jill Bulmash.

Anyone who has learned to play the game and would like to practice playing 8 Ball with them is welcome to drop in at Allamanda on Sundays form 2 - 4pm.

Friday, January 8, 2016


Don't miss The Florida Billiards Expo in The Villages from January 28th through the 31st!

This years Billiards Expo will be the largest one held in The Villages to date. With six Pros participating in multiple exhibition events, Villages men's and women's tournaments, multiple free workshops, and a huge selection of equipment available, this is the billiards event of the year that no one who plays billiards should miss!

Visit the event website for all details including how to purchase tickets for the pro events.

Hope to see you all there!


Why renew you're VBC membership?
  • To support the many efforts of the WVBC by extending your support to our parent organization
  • So you don't miss out on our awesome social activities and fun events where fundraising is involved for major club activities such as the Annual Billiards Expo
  • So you don't miss out on activities such as focused workshops where we have to limit the number of participants and give first priority to VBC members 
  • To help provide the necessary funds to run the VBC & WVBC and many of their activities, hand outs, and day to day functioning such as copying, office supplies and other materials and expenses that help maintain the membership
Renewal is $10 pp/py

  • Attend the monthly meeting & elections on January 22nd at 5pm at LaHacienda
  • Send your check made out to the VBC to:
        Phil DeAngelo, 899 Furman Loop, The Villages, Fl, 32162
PLEASE update your email address, phone number with any changes
  • Pay any board member in person

VBC Monthly Meeting & Tournaments Moved to an Earlier Date

The VBC monthly event has been moved to Friday January 22nd because of the Billiards Expo.

Schedule of events:
3:00pm - First Tournament
5:00pm - VBC Meeting & 2016 BOD Elections
5:45pm - Dinner
6:30pm - 2nd Tournament

Cost for dinner and one tournament is $7pp. Make your reservation to play and join us for dinner by calling Wendy Lord at 352-250-5295 or emailing her at

When I first got involved with Billiard in the Villages, this was one of my favorite events. Join us and have some fun!



Annual Elections for the VBC will be held during the monthly meeting on Friday January 22nd at 5pm. Let your voices be heard!

At the January 22, 2016 Villages Billiards Club, Inc. meeting, we will have our annual election of offices. The Nominating Committee encourages all Club members in good-standing for six months or longer, to recommend, nominate, or self-nominate individuals who are able and willing to serve the Club through the crucial roles of President, Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. If you would like submit a nomination, or if you have any questions, please contact Sharon Lomanno, Vice President and Chair, Nominating Committee
at: 352-259-4799 or of the officers are as follows:
For your information, duties
  1. Presidentshall:
    1. Preside at meetings.
    2. Vote only in case of a tie.
    3. Represent the organization
    4. Appoint committee chairpersons subject to the approval of the
      Executive Committee.
    5. Serve as ex-officio members of all committees except the nominating
    6. Perform such other dues as ordinarily pertain to this office
  2. Vice President shall:
    a. In the absence of the President, preside at meetings.
    b. Serve as chairperson of the Nominating Committee and assist the

    President as required.
  3. Second Vice President shall:
    1. Serve as tournament organizer.
    2. Organize food and other activities as directed by the President.
  4. Secretary shall:
    a. Record and Publish the minutes of all meetings. 
    b. Keep a file of the organization’s records.
    c. Maintain computer copies of the bylaws, rules and definitions of the club.
    d. Issue notices of meetings and conduct the general correspondence of the club.
    5.Treasurer shall:
    a. Receive all funds and pay same on orders of the Executive Committee and signed by the President.
    b.Keep an itemized account of all receipts and expenditures and make reports as directed.
    c. Make a monthly report at the general membership meeting.
    d. Make a yearly audit to the membership at the end of the calendar year.
    e.Maintain an account in a financial institution (bank) for the funds. The above account shall require the signature of one or two officers for the withdrawal of any funds.