Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Beginner & Advanced Beginner Clinics Schedule at Chula Vista

Are you a beginner or advanced beginner player looking for helps with various parts of your game?

Gale will be teaching a series of FREE Beginner & Advanced Beginner clinics the third Tuesday of February through May.

February: 23rd  - Tues. – 10am – 12pm - Chula Vista
                                Breaking Clinic for beginners and Adv. 
                                beginners - Learn how to scatter the balls by 
                                learning a few basic principles.   

March 22nd -       Tues. – 10am – 12pm - Chula Vista
                                 Beg. & Adv. Beginner Tangent line Clinic - 
                                 Do you know where your cue  ball is 
                                 going after a hit? 

April 19th -         Tues. – 10am – 12pm - Chula Vista
                                Beginner & Adv. Beginner Speed Control Clinic.           
                                Speed Kills! Learn to develop a softer touch to  
                                better control your game and ball placement.

May 24th -        Tues. – 10am – 12pm - Chula Vista
                                Beginner & Adv. Beginner Strategies & 
                                Defensive Play Clinic - You don’t always have to 
                                sink a ball! Learn to think about your defensive 

For more information email me at

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